Research Proposals
MEPAN Foundation is a U.S. 501c(3) non-profit corporation based in California. We will consider research proposals that provide greater understanding of the biology of MEPAN Syndrome or move us towards our goal of addressing the underlying causes of MEPAN.
We are especially interested in proposals that will:
More quickly validate compounds or drug classes that have been identified in our ongoing drug repurposing work.
Screen or test additional compounds that may have therapeutic value.
Speed the development of regenerative medicine approaches;
Identify disease biomarkers that can be used to measure disease progression or success of any therapeutics.
Identify new insights into existing or undiscovered functions for mtFAS, its regulatory mechanisms, or transcription factors for the MECR gene.
We have no set grant cycle. Proposals are evaluated on a rolling basis and are in part, considered based on available funding and the project's merit for the MEPAN community. Download the application procedure here or email research@mepan.com with questions.